What is Incognito Mode?
What is Incognito Mode?

Incognito Mode, also known as Private Browsing, is mainly used for private browsing. In this mode, the browser does not keep a record of the websites, cookies, and other information you visit, which keeps your browsing history safe. But in some ways, the activities done in Incognito Mode can also be traced. Let's know how.

Through the Router Logs

If you have a router on your network, you can check the logs on that router to see which websites have been visited. Log in to the router's IP address in a web browser and check the network logs. Although this won't tell you who visited which website, it can give you an idea of ​​the traffic on the network.

Checking the DNS Cache

The DNS Cache contains a record of recently visited websites on your computer. To view it:

On Windows, open Command Prompt and type "ipconfig /displaydns".
On a Mac, check the DNS cache by entering the command in Terminal.

This can give you a list of websites that have been visited recently, even if they were visited in Incognito Mode.

Use of parental control software

Some parental control software such as Net Nanny or Kaspersky Safe Kids can also track browsing in Incognito Mode. This software runs in the background and keeps a record of all website activity. This allows parents or administrators to see which websites a user is visiting.

Tracking from Google Account Activity

If a person is logged in to his/her Google account, his/her browsing activity may be saved in Google Activity, even if he/she is in Incognito Mode. By going to Google Activity, one can easily see which websites have been visited. Thus, Incognito Mode is not completely private and its activities can be seen in some ways. Therefore, use this mode with caution.

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